Achieving your 2023 goals
Did you know: 43% of people will be expected to fail before February, or almost one out of four quit within the first week of setting their New Year’s resolution.
Struggling to keep those new year’s resolutions?
Here are 5 tips which will help to keep you on track:
1. Plan, plan, plan
What does your next step look like? How will that help you progress to the next one?
2. As the very wise Charlotte Scott advised, ‘Set stupidly simple goals for success’.
Break down your goals into smaller milestones if the mountain looks too high.
3. Don’t take on too much!
To make legitimate change, you must change your behaviour. So stick to one or two goals and create new habits which will help you. Example:
Goal – Look after my mental wellbeing
Habit – Every night after I brush my teeth, I shall journal for 10 minutes.
4. Consistency is key
The top reason why people give up on their goals is either through lack of motivation or self-belief. Stay patient and keep going. Rome wasn’t built in a day.
5. Does the sacrifice outweigh the gain?
Whenever we make a change, there will always be a sacrifice we make. If you’re setting your goal for the right reasons, remind yourself when times feel tough. Setting joint goals with friends can be a brilliant motivator.
If you have a career-based goal, a recruiter can help with that.
Don’t be the 1 in 4 who quit within the first week of setting their New Year’s resolution.
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