I am going to start with a boast.
We have outperformed all other suppliers across the UK for one of our leading clients.
When dealing with new and existing clients they often have 3 concerns. Firstly, are we going to waste their time sending a load of inappropriate candidate profiles? Secondly, how many interviews are they going to have to conduct to find the right person? Lastly what if the successful candidate leaves? Hiring people is a significant investment, an investment that is generally returned in the medium to long-term. These are three very valid concerns that any company should have when engaging a recruitment company (or in fact when sourcing candidates directly)
One of our biggest clients, a leading life and pensions provider has run analytics on their preferred supplier list(PSL). These analytics looked at the number of placements, candidate submittals to placement ratio and retention rate (the number of candidates placed who are still employed by said client). This allowed our client to accurately assess ours, and every other member of their PSL’s, performance.
Continuation of the boast.
Yesterday our client called us to provide feedback, in all three of the above categories we are their top performers. In the 3 years we’ve been working with them we’ve made more placements than anyone else on their PSL, and we have a better introduction to placement ratio. The last part and the most pleasing for us is those placements are the right placements, our retention rate is 95.4%. The job board Monster indicate the UK’s average retention rate is 85%.
If you are a client worried about the time and financial investment of recruiting then speak to us about how we’ve helped our clients recruit in a timely and cost effective manner whilst limiting the risk associated with that hire leaving.