Have you ever experienced the onslaught of hundreds of nuisance recruiter calls after simply updating your CV on a job board?
During your lunch break you notice 10, 12, 20 missed calls all from recruiters with the perfect job for you… ‘please call back ASAP!’
Perhaps you uploaded your CV onto a job board in the hope of ‘dipping your toe’ into the market to see what the employment market is like? You may have been browsing jobs, completely unaware that your CV would then become visible to every recruiter and company in the employment market, perhaps even to your own HR department or department manager!
You may have applied for a specific job that you believed matched all of your job search criteria and not realised that unless you request for your CV to be hidden, it is then seen by all and sundry!
Why a recruiter?
Whether you are seriously hunting for a new position or simply weighing up your options by researching the job market, it is advisable to speak to a trusted source within recruitment that has their finger on the pulse.
The right individual will be able to give you an update on the job market. By talking to you, they can establish what stage you are at in your career, what step you want to make and what your aspirations are.
A good recruiter can give you an update on the job market, the going salary rates, where you sit amongst competition and the types of roles that will suit your skills, experience and career requirements.
Allowing you to avoid the job boards in the first instance!
What are the benefits of using a recruiter?
In a candidate driven market, a good candidate is ‘KING’ to a recruiter. A recruiter will want to work with you explicitly, leaving them free to introduce you to the companies that they work with as well as give them the opportunity to open new doors with new clients.
If a recruiter believes that they are working with you explicitly, they will work harder on your behalf as they have more chance to earn off the back of working on your behalf.
Dealing with a recruiter explicitly will increase your opportunities, will reduce the chances of your CV being sent to clients/ companies that you are unaware of or wouldn’t want to work for; more importantly it won’t land on your current employers desk!
So which recruiter do you chose?
Pick a recruiter that concentrates or niches in your field. They will spend all day, every day working with and for the companies that you want to work for. They will have the correct points of contact to make the right introductions. They have enough knowledge about your industry to understand you, understand the companies they are submitting you to and the roles that you are being put forward for.
Recruit UK specialises in recruitment within financial services and we work diligently and confidentially in an incestuous industry. We work with Financial Advisers, Wealth Managers, Investment Managers, Paraplanners, Administrators, Penion Specialists & Compliance professionals who are looking for their next job and we work with leading financial services firms in the UK looking to hire you.
For a confidential conversation about your Career opportunities please call us on 0117 9450 450.